Growing yellow plums is really not all that difficult as long as you give them what they need! Plums are super healthy to eat by themselves, but they also make great jams, jellies, and desserts! Yellow plums, also known as mirabelle plums, mirabello prunes, or cherry plums, are simply a different variety of plum tree, and they're absolutely delicious and easy to grow! If you're interested in learning how to grow yellow plums, follow this easy gardening guide!

Prunus domestica is part of the genus Prunus. Scholars believe that the yellow plum was cultivated from the wild fruit grown in Anatolia. You can easily identify the mirabelle plum by its smooth skin and oval shape, and of course, its distinct yellow color. They are very sweet and full of flavor, which makes them an excellent canning fruit. The juice of the yellow plum is also commonly used to make wine, distilled into plum brandy, or made into eau de vie.

The name mirabelle plum comes from the region from which it is grown, Lorraine, France. This region of France has the ideal soil and climate conditions for the yellow plums to grow. Lorraine, France produces about 15,000 tons of mirabelle plums yearly, which accounts to about 80% of the global commercial production.

In the United States, yellow plum trees date back to the 1940s and can usually be found just north of San Francisco.

How to Grow Yellow Plums in Your Garden

mirabelle plum tree

Planting Yellow Plums:

  • Plant seeds or seedlings in good quality, well drained soil. You can purchase yellow plum seeds online or head to your local farmers market to purchase the fruit itself. Remove the pit from the fruit and wash it well to get rid of any leftover fruit. Dry the pit on a paper towel overnight before planting.
  • Choose an area with full sun and lots of space so that your plum tree can grow. Do not plant near other trees or vegetables. The mirabelle plum needs space to fully grow.
  • Make sure that your soil has a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. This is the ideal soil condition for yellow plums.
  • If possible, try growing the European yellow plum variety, as they are self-fruiting and you don’t need to plant several trees to get fruit. If you are growing another variety which needs to be self pollinated, you will need to plant both male and female seeds.
  • Make sure to plant somewhere where your tree can grow – yellow plum trees can reach a height of 16 feet, so keep away from other trees, plants, or structures.
  • Water the tree regularly, especially during its growing time.

Yellow Plum Tree Care:

yellow plums

  • Apply 1 pound of organic fertilizer in March during the tree's first and second year.
  • Apply 1 cup of calcium nitrate in May during its first and second year as well.
  • After the first two years, apply 2/3 cup of calcium nitrate in March and August.
  • Give your plum tree plenty of water, especially during  growing season.
  • Lay mulch around to keep soil moist.
  • Prune away any dead branches while the tree is growing.

Now that you know how to grow yellow plums, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to planting!

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Grow Yellow Plums

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