The spider plant is one of the most popular and common of houseplants for the simple fact that it's so easy to care for! Spider plants don't require much water, and so they're great low maintenance plants, especially for those who don't have a green thumb! But, there are still some dos and donts to taking care of a spider plant, so today we'll show you how to care for spider plants the correct way! Once you properly know how to care for spider plants, your plant can last you a lifetime!

How to Care For Spider Plants – a DIY Guide

spider plant

Spider Plant Overview:

Common Name(s) Spider plant, spider ivy, airplane plant, ribbon plant, hen and chickens
Scientific Name Chlorophytum comosum
Family Asparagaceae
Origin South pacific and south africa
Height Up to 12 inches
Light Full sun
Water Medium
Temperature 65-75°F
Humidity Moderate
Soil Any good potting mix
Fertilizer Use fertilizer every two weeks. dilute it by half
Propagation Put small plantlets in a pot of moist potting soil
Pests Aphids, mealybugs, white flies, spider mites

Spider Plant Lighting:

These plants will grow in almost any type of light, except for direct light! They will thrive best when planted in indirect sunlight, artificial light, or no sunlight at all, making them excellent office and even bathroom plants!

Be sure to keep your spider plant in an area where it will receive indirect sunlight, such as near a window, and keep the temperature above 60F (15C).

Spider Plant Watering Guidelines:

In the summer, the spider plant should be watered regularly, and the soil should be moist to the touch at all times. During colder months, watering should be cut down, and the soil should be dry in between waterings.

The plant should be watered once a week directly on the soil, and never on the leaves. Be sure to use room temperature water, as water that is too cold may damage the roots.

Spider plants also love humidity, so in colder months, be sure to spray the leaves regularly, or place in your bathroom so that the steam from your shower can give them a humidity boost!

Spider Plant Soil:

Use well draining, good quality potting soil to plant your spider plant in. Alternatively, you can also use soil that's formulated for African violets.

Fertilizing Spider Plants:

Spider plants don't really need to be fertilized, but if you do decide to fertilize them do so only once or twice a month, and use a half strength feed.

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How to Care For Spider Plants

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